See the original blog post on Crunchyroll, or watch the video down below!
The Ingredients
For 4 riceballs
I did not include filling in these, but you easily could! Popular fillings are: tuna/mayo, pickled seaweed, teriyaki chicken/beef
1 cup cooked rice
Turmeric or Curry powder
About 1 tsp water
1 sheet of nori
1 slice of deli meat ham
Scissors/ disposable straws for making shapes/ cutting things out
Little cups to put your rice balls in (optional)
What an absolutely crazy past week or so in America, amirite? I don’t want to talk too much about it, but suffice it to say that I think everyone could use some cuteness in their life, no matter who you supported or how you felt about the outcome of the election. Perhaps you’re reading this from another country and you think America has gone CRAZY. You need some cute things too!
I recently started watching Twin Star Exorcists, and I like it so far. Sometimes it feels a litttttle juvenile. As a seventh or eighth grader, this would have been THE BEST. So much angstyness, arranged marriages, exorcising DEMONS, WOOOO! Honestly, good stuff. But on the whole, I really like the art- especially of the battle scenes. The characters are cute- Benio literally putting a battle on hold so that she can eat snacks (#metho), and the plot, if a little contrived, makes for a fun watch.
Perhaps better yet, for me, there’s tons of food in this show! This may not be the last Twin Star Exorcist recipe you see- if you have a request from this show, let me know! Admittedly, I chose a recipe that shows up for literally one second of airtime. It happens during the second episode, when the school transitions over to lunch, and this image flashes up on screen:
I saw these and thought they were just too cute not to make on my own. I once placed 10th in a national cute-character bento box design, so I have 1) a LOT of bento box swag from my winnings and 2) a fondness for making cute, lunch sized treats. I thought it would be nice to finally put some of that bento box swag to use with these little riceballs (a nice idea- in reality I only used the cups for the riceballs from my bento stash), and here is my result!
Pretty cute, huh? (Sidenote: Do you want some of my bento box swag??? It’s been sitting in my closet for so long. As it turns out, I don’t really have anyone to make lunches for besides myself, and I really hate packed lunches. It’s times like these when being a mother to 15 children would be really great, because I legitimately have about 15 bento boxes I won and have never used…Comment if you are in favor of this idea. Maybe I’ll have a contest?)
This week I did a video again, which you can find below. The steps for making these guys are really simple, so hopefully you can give it a try!
The Ingredients
For 4 riceballs
I did not include filling in these, but you easily could! Popular fillings are: tuna/mayo, pickled seaweed, teriyaki chicken/beef
1 cup cooked rice
Turmeric or Curry powder
About 1 tsp water
1 sheet of nori
1 slice of deli meat ham
Scissors/ disposable straws for making shapes/ cutting things out
Little cups to put your riceballs in (optional)
I hope you enjoyed this post! Check in next week for another recipe. To check out more anime food recipes, visit my blog for more anime and manga themed food. If you have any questions or comments, leave them below! I recently got a twitter, so you can follow me at @yumpenguinsnack if you would like, and DEFINITELY feel free to send me food requests! My tumblr is Find me on Youtube for more video tutorials! Enjoy the food, and if you decide to recreate this dish, show me pics! 😀